Saturday, September 3, 2011

Starting today I am going to make a change

How many times have said that if it was once it was 100, today I started Weight Watchers.  Yes I had to step on that scale and it wasn't pretty bad but I know I  have to work at if and if  don't who will?  This Blog is going to be my way of trying to make myself accountable, if for some reason you stumbled across my blog and want to leave a note or such I have over 100 pounds to loose and I have tried hard to find someone fighting the same battle I am but I have not found anyone. If you are somone who is dealing with the same issues I am  I would love to hear from you! I know everyone has  a battle they are fighting this is mine and this time I HAVE to win, I have people who need me to be alive. I know I am rambling I have never blogged before, I hope I get better at it.